My content tells my story, gives a good look into my wellness lifestyle, and has some added fun and humor to balance the dry research with some enjoyable material.
This page however contains none of the latter. It’s one of the most serious subject matters in my life, and part of my mission to warn people about the horrible dangers involved with taking prescription drugs, in this case specifically antibiotics…a class of drugs most people never think of as being as dangerous as they are.
The video below contains graphic, real footage of someone who went through exactly the same thing I did. Telling you it’s “graphic” is not designed to be an attention grabber; I’m honestly warning you that it’s very difficult to watch, and if you’re susecptible to being emotionally impacted easily, perhaps you can watch it another time.
But at some point, I feel strongly that it’s something you need to watch, so that you can see first hand what can and is happening to large numbers of people, while these drugs continue to be prescribed to the masses.
Where It All Started
In 2005, I went to a urologist due to what I discovered was a prostate issue; us men usually have no sensation in our prostates and are almost completely unaware of them, exceptions being how they’re involved in urination and ejaculation.
Somehow I had an infection in my prostate. What was causing it was unknown, since I was not sexually active at the time and hadn’t been for a while.
I was given the antibiotic Levaquin, in the fluoroquinolone class of AB’s (antibiotics). The more common Ciprofloxacin (“Cipro”) is in this class, as are others.
After taking the very first pill, my symptoms became significantly worse.
I called the urologist, who told me to “keep taking them, it’s working.” A sort of “herximer” effect was what I was allegedly experiencing.
…Four pills later…and I was in a living hell.
A hell that permanently changed my life.
I drove to the urologist on a sunny 90-degree hot day with my windows rolled up because I could not get warm.
And without going into more details right now, (there are a lot), I began a journey that brought me “this close” to death, both from the mere four pills themselves actively destroying my body even after I stopped taking them, and from almost taking my life due to the extreme physical and mental disturbances that followed, and are given an example of below.
Mr. Grozier finally died from wasting syndrome. The below is his story, and the footage his family took of what he was going through:
In my case, what Robert discussed regarding hallucinations, I was experiencing every time I blinked, or closed my eyes (to try to sleep, rest). The only way I can describe it is to say that I had visuals and sensory experiences that are impossible to try to explain, are out of the context of anything I could even begin to reference (such as a horror movie, nightmare, etc) and were simply horrifying; it was as if I was able to see inside of what any form of hell must really be like.
The only way words can describe it is to say it was devastatingly horrifying, in a way that I’d never experienced anything frightening before; it was a completely new and different level. Perhaps similar to what the worst hallucinogenic trip could bring on.
This was a successful man with a daughter that needed him. This can happen after a mere ONE PILL; THAT is how dangerous an antibiotic, especially this class of antibiotic, can be. His life destroyed. And we don’t hear about these events because both the doctors are too ashamed to report them to adverse event agencies (since they prescribed the drug, they have a responsibility) and the industry could be decimated if it was discovered how damaging these, and countless other drugs, can be.
Also note that since that video, many years ago now, the FDA did finally recognize and acknowledge that those of us having our lives destroyed, like Robert above and myself…indeed were NOT crazy.
Try to imagine what it was like to be desperate for help, in all kinds of unexplained pain and mental issues, ready to commit suicide not because you want to die but because you can’t find any other option out of agony, and everyone looks at you like you’re some kind of freak.
As if the experience wasn’t bad enough, that certainly compounded it horribly.
They have all sorts of warnings out now for this class of antibiotic, but yet they still sell them. So more and more people, every year, have their lives ruined, especially those who can’t find people like me who’ve been able to find some solutions to help get our quality of life back as much as possible.
My Pre-Floxed Challenges
I will explain in other parts of my content how I grew up with fairly extreme panic attacks and depression. I was an above-average intelligence kid who graduated at the bottom of his 800-student class because I could barely make it through high school during a time when panic attacks were only beginning to be recognized, and psychiatric help wasn’t what it is today. To what limited extent it was, I was already going by elementary school; everyone knew something was wrong with me at a very early age.
Always being solutions-oriented, after high school I looked for solutions which included both natural and prescription options, all sorts of self-help and self-improvement content back in the days when all we had for research was the library and bookstores.
I engaged in deep meditations; for a period in my life I was meditating for 6 to 8 hours a day, which I will eventually discuss on this site, along with the extraordinary experiences it produced, which was both helping me manage my symptoms, and…I am convinced…was preparing me for the path my life ended up taking, including the antibiotic poisoning and finding myself in the middle of what has become a world embracing a lack of critical thinking and expanded consciousness.
Saving My Life
So along comes 2005 when the AB poisoning happened. The internet was much different back then. And fortunately, alternative realms of wellness were more readily available where I could immerse myself in research as I lived every day in systemic, chronic pain of various unending kinds (list below) over a year and a half of intense chronic pain, taking myself into bankruptcy in an effort to find whatever it took to get my body and mind back.
…My LIFE back.
In this pursuit, I used anti-pathogen and detoxification protocols. All in an effort to just stop the daily pain that made life absolutely terrible.
An incredible side effect from this journey was that I was able to almost completely eliminate my panic attacks and depression.
…While losing 40lbs in the process…
And was able to get at least my quality of life back from the antibiotic poisoning as these results came to fruition.
But have been stuck ever since with an endless and on-going array of health problems (herniated discs, tinnitus, joint/tendon issues, long list found here) that I’ve had to manage and solve through my own efforts and research.
And those efforts that caused that fat/weight loss, as well as all the things I’ve done to maintain my health…that story…is what my Faceless Fat Loss content, now hosted here on Do Real Food, is all about.